Ourapteryx nivea
x1 <32mm>
- [1] みんなで作る日本産蛾類図鑑 (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ) ウスキツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ Geometridae/ Ennominae/ Ourapteryx_nivea.html)
- [2] みんなで作る日本産蛾類図鑑 (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ) フトスジツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ Geometridae/ Ennominae/ Ourapteryx_japonica.html)
- [3] みんなで作る日本産蛾類図鑑 (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ) ノムラツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ Geometridae/ Ennominae/ Ourapteryx_nomurai.html)
- [4] 富山県産蛾類博物館 (http:// t-moth.jp/ ) フトスジツバメエダシャク (http:// t-moth.jp/ geometridae/ ennominae/ ourapteryx/ futosujitubameedasyaku.html)
- [5] Digital Moths of Japan (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ ) ウスキツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ 74_Geometridae/ 72.2_Ennominae/ 2930_Ourapteryx/ 2931_Ourapteryx_nivea/ Ourapteryx nivea.htm)
- [6] Digital Moths of Japan (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ ) フトスジツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ 74_Geometridae/ 72.2_Ennominae/ 2930_Ourapteryx/ 2930_Ourapteryx_japonica/ Ourapteryx japonica.htm)
- [7] Digital Moths of Japan (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ ) ノムラツバメエダシャク (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ 74_Geometridae/ 72.2_Ennominae/ 2930_Ourapteryx/ 2932_Ourapteryx_nomurai/ Ourapteryx nomurai.htm)