Mythimna striata
- [1] みんなで作る日本産蛾類図鑑 (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ )
スジシロキヨトウ (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ Noctuidae/ Hadeninae/ Mythimna_striata.html)
- [2] みんなで作る日本産蛾類図鑑 (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ )
クサシロキヨトウ (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ Noctuidae/ Hadeninae/ Mythimna_loreyi.html)
- [3] Digital Moths of Japan (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ )
スジシロキヨトウ (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ 80_Noctuidae/ 23Hadeninae/ 3610Mythimna/ 3641Mythimna_striata/ Mythimna striata.htm)
- [4] Digital Moths of Japan (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ )
クサシロキヨトウ (http:// www.jpmoth.org/ ~dmoth/ 80_Noctuidae/ 23Hadeninae/ 3610Mythimna/ 3646Mythimna_loreyi/ Mythimna loreyi.htm)
- [5] UKmoths (http:// ukmoths.org.uk/ )
クサシロキヨトウ (http:// ukmoths.org.uk/ show.php?bf=2208) ―― (イギリス)
- [6] Lepiforum (http:// www.lepiforum.de/ )
クサシロキヨトウ (http:// www.lepiforum.de/ cgi-bin/ lepiwiki.pl?Mythimna_Loreyi) ―― (ヨーロッパ)